Tuesday, June 5, 2012

How My Wife Lured Me In - A chapter For single Women

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Chiropractor Denver Co! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Before you start, here's the lesson: sometimes the guy you're not immediately attracted to turns out to be the one. Whether that or playing hard to get works. You decide.

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How is How My Wife Lured Me In - A chapter For single Women

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Chiropractor Denver Co.

November 24th, 2007 marks the g-year anniversary of the day my wife Meredith and I met. I know this for sure because I have the souvenir Ray Borque hockey puck that the Avalanche gave out that night.

That's right, Meredith and I met at an Avalanche game. They beat Edmonton that night. The full story is a good one, and many of you have asked about it over the years, so I decided to take a month off from writing about pulled hamstrings and torn rotator cuffs...

Sometime colse to November 1, 2001...

Sitting at the desk of the old Denver Chiropractic town in that dumpy limited construction on Yale, I was wasting time on eBay. The girl I had been dating for a few months, we'll call her Miss Mood-Swings (name changed & more on her later) had recently mentioned that she'd like to go to a hockey game. So I thought, "What the hey, I'll bid on some Avs tickets." The game was on a Saturday night, Thanksgiving weekend against Edmonton. The current price was colse to 0. So I bid the minimum, 2.50.

Immediately, I regretted it. "That's way too much for hockey tickets, what was I thinking?" There were 4 days left on the auction, so I knew I'd be outbid and get off the hook. I opinion nothing more of it.

Sometime colse to November 5, 2001...

I get the email from eBay that I've "won" the auction. I have 3 days to pick up the tickets (from a scalping agency). I grudgingly go and fork over 2.50 for a pair of Avs tickets. I've been ripped off. The seats are easily in the very tippy top row of the Pepsi Center. I'm pretty sure the high maintenance Miss Mood-Swings will not be impressed.

Thanksgiving Day, November 22, 2001 (two days before the Avs Game)...

At colse to noon that day, I ask Miss Mood-Swings where she'd like to go for Thanksgiving dinner. You see, her parents, though very nice, were correct vegans. I didn't easily want to eat Tofu loaf on my beloved holiday.

Miss Mood-Swings was furious. "I can't believe you haven't already made reservations somewhere. I mean, it's Thanksgiving, and if you easily cared about manufacture sure I have a nice Thanksgiving then this should already have been taken care of. Seriously, what the hell is the matter with you?" Her emotional intensity seemed excessive. Most of you who are reading this are married. But you might remember what I'm talking about here: You know how sometimes you're dating someone, and you know that man ain't the one, but for some presuppose you haven't managed to end it? By Thanksgiving Day, 2001, that's where I was with Miss Mood-Swings.

Her angry Thanksgiving outburst was the last straw. Yes, I probably should have made a reservation, but that was no justification for her fury. It was other one of those mood swings that made her Miss Mood-Swings.

I said to her, "I've had enough."

She stormed out of my house, slammed the door, and wasn't heard from for a very long time. Strangely, after she left, all 3 of my dogs, including the deaf one, came to me with tails wagging and seeing very happy. I guess they knew. I went to Boston store and got a cheap facsimile of Thanksgiving evening meal and ate it by myself.

Here's where things get a limited strange.

Friday, November 23, 2001...

I worked the Friday after Thanksgiving. One of the massage therapists, whose name I will also change, came charging through the door in a huff. We'll call her Sarah. She looked at me and demanded, "If you had tickets for Ray Borque's seclusion night, would you lose them in your own house?"

"Uh, no," I replied.

I very swiftly was told that Sarah and her husband were huge Avalanche and Ray Borque fans. His boss had given them tickets for that game, and somehow Sarah's husband lost them. What was even worse, he managed to get a buddy of his to take him to the game, leaving a very angry Sarah out in the cold.

"Sarah, you're in luck," I said. "I dumped Miss Mood-Swings yesterday. I have tickets for the game tomorrow, and I was going to give them away. If you want to go, I'll take you."

Sarah was shocked and pleased. Not only did she dislike Miss Mood-Swings, she was going to see Ray Borque's seclusion ceremony after all.

Meanwhile, on the other side of town (actually east of the city), Meredith, my unknowing time to come wife, was stuck. Her Canadian friend Wayne had two tickets to see his beloved Edmonton Oilers play. Since he hadn't been living in Denver for too long, he easily didn't have anything to go with. He asked his co-worker Meredith to go with him. She had limited interest in hockey, but Wayne was her friend, so she said yes.

Saturday, November 24, 2001...

Game day. I meet Sarah and her very grateful husband at the Pepsi Center. Sarah and I make the long trudge to our seats in the very last row. She cries while the Ray Borque thing. Anyway, Sarah and a pretty blonde girl (Meredith) are seated next to each other.

I wasn't easily paying too much concentration to their interactions. I was feeling the joyous leisure of no longer having to deal with Miss Mood-Swings. I was watching some hockey and eating some hot dogs. After the first period, it started. Sarah said to me, "Hey this girl sitting next to me is pretty cute, I'm going to pick her up for you."

"No!" I said. "I need a few months off from women. I want to eat like a pig and get fat over the holidays, then lose the weight in January. I'll start dating again after Valentine's Day."

Sarah wasn't buying it. "You'll just get back together with Miss Mood-Swings. She's awful. You need to meet man else. I'm picking this chick up."

And that's how it began. Sarah started telling Meredith that I'm a chiropractor. Meredith told us she worked for an explosives company. That caught my attention. She exploded stuff for a living. (She's since changed jobs). By the start of the third period, Sarah and I had switched seats. Meredith and I exchanged cards. You know how sometimes you just "know." Well, I kind of knew.

Unfortunately, Meredith didn't. I won't easily get into to those details. I won't tell you about how she wouldn't go out with me at first. In fact, she said she was dating someone, and we could be friends. Undeterred, I soldiered on.

About 3 weeks later she finally, grudgingly agreed to meet me for coffee. At 7:45 in the morning. On a Tuesday. She was 40 minutes late, and had to leave early. I think she gave me about 10 minutes of her time.

During those 10 minutes, I successfully upgraded to evening meal the following Sunday night. She cancelled on Sunday afternoon. I got her to re-schedule for Monday night. She was 45 minutes late and said she couldn't stay too long because her dog was in the car.

Seriously, most guys probably would have quit, but not me. I had 5 more dates with her in the next three weeks, including New Year's Eve. Clearly, I was growing on her. By March, we were engaged. In October we were in Hawaii getting married on a beach. Two and a half years later, we had a son, Andrew. Two years later, we had Jason (son #2).

So, seeing back, I'm thankful (this is the Thanksgiving newsletter, after all) for a bunch of stuff that happened 6 years ago:

That I bid on and "won" very overpriced Avs tickets. If even one man had outbid me, I wouldn't have been at that game.

That Miss Mood-Swings had the big tantrum on Thanksgiving Day, 2001. If I had taken her to that game, I seriously doubt that she would have picked up Meredith for me, to use Sarah's words.

That Sarah's husband easily managed to lose hockey tickets. If Sarah hadn't been so keen on going to that game, I would have given the tickets to a patient. That Meredith ultimately gave me that 7:45 Am coffee date. Let's face it, we all know that was a pity date, and I may have been a limited pathetic for accepting it. But hey, it's not so pathetic if you end up marrying the girl.

Obviously, I'm thankful that I was smart adequate to marry Meredith. And of policy I'm infinitely thankful for our sons, Andrew & Jason. And a bunch of other stuff. But that's adequate for now.

Have a safe and happy Thanksgiving!

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